Amazing participation

The famous singer Adele Moraw comes into life

(c) Monika Dietl, NÖN

It was amazing.
The first “Stationentheater – it’s a women’s world in Neulengbach” (located in the Wienerwald region) has taken off brilliantly – citizen’s involvement, engagement and interest were unexpectedly high. The initiative had been launched by city councillor Maria Rigler, who wanted to make women more visible in history, achievements and  societal changes of her hometown.

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How did rich women live 5.000 years ago?

How did women live 5.000 years ago – were there rich women, too?

A museum for prehistory in a village at the Traisen (a tributary of the river Danube in Lower Austria, an hour’s drive from Vienna) has taken up this question and built an interesting exhibition about women in the Bronze Age. 

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