Danube Connects

danube connects – magazine for the Danube countries

The unique character of the Danube region is made by its diversity of culture, nations, religions, ethnics and languages – and therefore by a lot of different borders, too. Some are real, some are just in mind.
Our aim is to work in a crossborder way to strenghten the diversity and the communication, to foster an open-minded Danube Identity.

Social Media and Information
That´s why we created several information channels like our print magazine or the social media activities on Facebook and Twitter for the entire danube region from ist source to the delta. Our focus is on reporting about civil society activities, european projects, culture, tourism and more topics.
We are an independent team of international journalists, organized in a section of European Journalists Association (EJA). Our magazine danube connects is the only bi-lingual publication distributed in all member countries of the European Union’s Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). As media professionals we are public relations partners for european co-operations and projects along the Danube and we organize meetings for journalists of the Danube countries to create a powerful Danube Media Network in future.

Sabine Geller,
danube connects